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The role and characteristics of WandeFu Air Separator

Source: Dongguan Wandful Green-Tech. Co. Ltd  Release date: 2023-10-27  Page views:


We know that the process of handling old household appliances is as follows: the old household appliances are appropriately crushed, and plastic fragments reach a certain size. Through magnetic separation, air separation, eddy current separation, and sensor sorting, valuable metals are recovered, and plastic fragments without metals are removed.


The equipment used for air separation is the air separator, also known as an air separation machine. It is a mechanical device used in the sorting and recycling of solid waste. Its main function is to blow away lightweight materials in solid waste through the action of air, to achieve the separation of materials by weight, making it easier for the subsequent sorting equipment to recover resources from solid waste.


Lightweight materials in solid waste, such as dust and lint, are nearly valueless and can interfere with the sorting of resources in solid waste by the subsequent sorting equipment. Therefore, using an air separator as an auxiliary device in the sorting process can reduce the workload of the subsequent production line equipment, increase the sorting speed, improve sorting efficiency, and also reduce damage caused by dust and other materials to other machinery and equipment on the production line.


For example, in order to recover metals from crushed household appliance materials or scrap steel, there are often various lightweight materials, such as lint, debris, sponges, and more in the household appliance materials. Especially in the case of scrap steel, there are often more of these materials. If they are not removed, it will increase the processing volume in the subsequent stages, affect the efficiency of the equipment, and may cause blockages and damage to the equipment due to these lightweight materials. Therefore, to solve these issues effectively, an air separator is needed.


The air separator is used to separate metals from solid waste materials, effectively removing impurities mixed with scrap metal. Using air separation equipment, it is possible to remove lightweight materials and leave behind heavy materials. The air separation equipment, along with the subsequent metal sorting equipment, gradually removes impurities layer by layer, improving efficiency and ensuring that what remains is recoverable metal. Although metal sorting equipment can also remove lightweight materials, air separators are more efficient and cost-effective in many aspects.


The WandeFu Air Separator has the following characteristics:


Uses air to remove lightweight impurities without dust leakage.

Reasonable air volume and channel design result in different discharge outlets for lightweight and heavy materials.

Equipped with a cyclone dust collector, which has a simple structure and is easy to use.

Low power consumption, low noise, and high processing capacity.

Excellent separation efficiency, with separation rates exceeding 95%.

Variable frequency control, adjustable airspeed to suit different material properties.

Modular design for easy maintenance and servicing of individual components.

High performance, low maintenance costs, suitable for long-term operation in harsh environments, and reliable production output.
